Delete Your Account

We’re sad to see you considering leaving us, but we respect your decision and are here to help. This page provides you with all the necessary information and steps to permanently delete your game account.

Before proceeding, please review the important information below to understand what deleting your account entails:

  • Permanent Deletion: Deleting your account is irreversible. Once you delete your account, you will lose all progress, scores, third-party data and login credentials, in-game purchases, and any saved data associated with the account.
  • Restoration: After deletion, you cannot retrieve any of the account information or associated data. If you choose to play this game again in the future, you will need to start from scratch.
  • Subscription Services: If you have any active subscriptions linked to your account, please ensure they are canceled prior to deletion to avoid further charges.

If you are certain you wish to proceed, please contact our support team at

Till we meet again

We hope you have enjoyed your time with us.

We are sad to see you go and would love to welcome you back anytime in the future should you decide to return.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We wish you all the best in your future gaming adventures!